Upcoming Events

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Latest News

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Latest 1/31/21:

 Matoaca Child Development Center will be opening on time tomorrow.  Please be careful on your drive in! Also be exceptionally careful in parking lots and sidewalks as they will be icy!


This is a brief reminder Friday, 1/29 is an asynchronous day for all students; teachers will have provided work for students, but, they will not login to any google meets on Friday. Also, please remember Monday, 2/1 begins the 2nd semester with In Person learning if you have chosen this for your children. 


MCDC will open on time this morning! Please be careful on your drive in and use extreme caution on parking lots and sidewalks where you may not be able to see ice! 



  • MDCD Closing Dates
  • Infection Control Policy
  • Student-Parent Handbook